3x4 genetics testing
What can you learn from a Genetic Test? A Lot.
You can learn a lot from your genes! Unfortunately, many people tend to think that genetic testing is just for determining your ancestry or checking to see if you’re predisposed to a specific disease or not. And while those things are true, genetic testing allows you to gain insights into how your genes function and how they impact your overall health and wellness.
We’ve been utilizing 3X4 genetics testing with our patients at NutriliciousbyZ, here are a few ways genetic testing can inform your health and wellness. When you take a 3X4 genetics test, it looks at a selection of genes that work together to provide you with a blueprint for how your own body functions.
Here are the major areas where genetic testing can give you insight into your body’s functionality, and where you can make better diet and lifestyle choices that will be more optimized for you.