Client Testimonials

What people say about working with Zarana

I was looking for a dietitian who would understand my cultural and diet requirements. Zarana was the best choice. She was patient and guided me through all my needs. She introduced me to foods that was healthy and I was unaware of. At the same time did not alter my foods drastically. She made me look at food in a wholly new way. A diet that I can use forever. Her recipes are healthy, worth cooking. Easy to get in touch. I will always be indebted to her for all her help.​
Zarana has been very helpful in building a diet which supports my immune health. I have learned a lot about food and even on a restricted diet feel that I am able to balance and enjoy what I eat.
Working with Zarana over the last few years has made a significant improvement in my overall health. She is both knowledgeable and caring and I highly recommend working with her to address both nutrition needs and general health and wellness.
Zarana has empowered me to be equipped and motivated to revolutionize my nutrition. I came to Zarana seeking support on how to effectively carry out my nutrition. Previously, I did not feel well acquainted with what to eat, how much, and how often. However, through her clear advice and my implementation of it, I now feel better than I have been. I know what to buy and prepare on a weekly basis. Her meal plan program, especially, has been a game changer for maintaining my daily nutritional needs. Zarana is incredibly knowledgeable, has the kindest approach, and tailors your program specifically to your unique needs. I am thankful to work with her for my nutritional health!
When I was diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney disease, I had very little advice from my doctor other than to keep my salt intake below 2 grams per day and drink lots of water. I had confusing lists of foods to avoid and in trying to follow the rules I began losing too much weight. I made an appointment with Zarana, supposedly for an hour. She actually spent almost two hours with me and, most importantly, she didn't waste a minute. To my great surprise, a diet tailored for me, based on my own lab results, allows me to eat many more foods. A healthier and more interesting diet is possible when my own calcium, potassium, protein and other factors are considered. Best of all - after six weeks I had labs done again and there was definite improvement in my lab results. I credit Zarana for that and for helping my motivation to stick with the changes. The depth of her knowledge inspires confidence. I know if I get stuck I have a teacher to help.
C. Cameron

On improving GUT HEALTH

Zarana has been a life saver in helping figure out what is going on with my daughter. For a year, we were seeing multiple doctors that were running tests and prescribing medications so my daughter's stomach wouldn't hurt every time she ate. After going for a second opinion to Dr. Dave in Frisco, she recommended meeting with Zarana to see if she could work with the nutritional side of things. My daughter was weaned of all of her medication and Zarana started her on an elimination diet. My daughter's symptoms immediately disappeared. We are now in the process of slowly adding things back to her diet. Zarana is very knowledgeable with what she does. She gives multiple options of healthy foods and where to find them. She is in constant contact in between appointments using the portal that we have access to. She has also reached out to Dr. Dave and they came up with a plan together after realizing that adding dairy back to my daughter's diet didn't work. My daughter is able to be an 11 year old again without constant pain. She is able to eat again without the anxiety of her stomach hurting. She hasn't missed school like she did last year because of the pain. Most importantly, she is not on any medication and all of her pain has been controlled through what Zarana has planned out for her. I would highly recommend Zarana to anyone wanting to get healthier or anyone that is struggling with food allergies or intolerances.
When I started going to Zarana, I had a lot of digestive and malabsorption issues. Now after one year I am 100% better. Nearly all my issues are gone, or minimal. She is very kind, understanding, and knowledgeable. Her recommendations were very effective and diverse. I would recommend her services to anyone seeking a wonderful nutritionist/dietician. She is a very special person.
After seeing the care and compassion that Zarana demonstrated to my daughter in dealing with extreme food allergies, I decided that I would consult with her too for my own dietary challenges. As a 55 year old woman, I have seen my weight increase. While I may not be obese, I was unwilling to take diet pills or diet supplements. I knew that I needed to make some changes in how I approach my health. Zarana helped me see the mind/body connection and truly helped me get back on a healthy track. She provided logical and reasonable goals and suggestions. Although there was nothing dramatic, I noticed results almost immediately. I feel better than I’ve felt in 10 years. I have incentive to make further gains, I have acceptance of some personal challenges, and I have a healthy outlook on life. What a difference in my goals and outlook!
TDLR: Zarana and her treatment saved my life (and my quality of life)!

I have been diagnosed with POTS, ehlers-danlos syndrome, IBS, NAFLD, and chronic migraines that made my life pretty unbearable. Because of my illnesses being unchecked, I gained around 155 extra pounds in the span of a year, had diarrhea daily, was vomiting weekly, was in my wheelchair full time, never had a day without a migraine, had rosacea, had to stop pursuing schooling, my blood work was a mess (triglycerides, cholesterol, vitamin d, anemia, inflammation levels, and pretty much every other level was out of range), my mental health was even worse, and nothing was helping. Most of the doctors I went to just vaguely told me that if I didn’t lose weight I would probably die and didn’t give me any new tips as I had tried all of their “recommendations”. All of their information contradicted each other (one would say high protein no carbs, another would say only fruits and veggies, no cold foods or no warm foods, telling me to start eating meat again or plant based only, etc). I finally had enough when I was diagnosed with NAFLD so I decided to find a nutritionist who would listen to me and I found Zarana Parekh. I presented her with all of the information and symptoms I was experiencing and she genuinely cared and helped me find a game plan.

After following her treatment plans for a few months, my liver blood test indicators started going down, I stopped vomiting, had a bit more energy, was able to transition to my crutches instead of using my wheelchair 24/7 (my heart rate/bp were unpredictable plus bad joint pain to begin with but at this point it started to lessen. I was also getting better heart care from my cardiologist because my inflammation stopped hiding my symptoms.), and my brain fog started to decrease significantly. All of these things were amazing starts! As time went on, Zarana helped me to understand why my stomach hurt on certain days and how to control it better, techniques to calm my vagus nerve, about histamines and which foods have more of them, how to enjoy eating for the first time in my life, and helped me be in tuned with my body. I have been seeing Zarana now for almost a year I think, and so much has changed. Most of my blood work is within the normal limits (my triglycerides and cholesterol are still coming down), I am able to walk on most days, work part time, attend graduate school full time, stick to my workout regimen for POTS and ehlers-danlos, make progress in therapy, and just generally I feel in control of my life. My loved ones have noticed and every time I see relatives, they mention how I look healthier and happier than I have previously. I'm getting to go further between my visits with my cardiologist without him being concerned about my heart as well!

While my goals have been centered on life satisfaction, my weight has also been changing. For reference: before I suddenly gained weight, I weighed 125 for all of my life. Then at the end of the rapid growth, I was at around 280 which was painful because of how sudden it was. Over the last year, I have dropped to around 238 (around 40 pounds). At this weight, I am able to walk, do HIIT workouts, dance, yoga, qigong, and stay energized. Without the treatment I have received with Zarana, I am certain I would still be struggling to keep my head above water. Things are still difficult as I still have my chronic conditions, but I am able to feel like myself for the first time in a long time. I am so grateful for her compassion and knowledge of chronic illnesses so that I can have quality of life.

on improving metabolism

Zarana's recommendations have been on point regarding the improvement in my health. My last annual physical this year showed better glucose and cholesterol numbers. She has really made a difference in how I eat and exercise.
She gave me very important information on diet and helped me keep my sugar level in control. She is to the point and if you follow her instructions then definitely it helps.
After seeing the care and compassion that Zarana demonstrated to my daughter in dealing with extreme food allergies, I decided that I would consult with her too for my own dietary challenges. As a 55 year old woman, I have seen my weight increase. While I may not be obese, I was unwilling to take diet pills or diet supplements. I knew that I needed to make some changes in how I approach my health. Zarana helped me see the mind/body connection and truly helped me get back on a healthy track. She provided logical and reasonable goals and suggestions. Although there was nothing dramatic, I noticed results almost immediately. I feel better than I’ve felt in 10 years. I have incentive to make further gains, I have acceptance of some personal challenges, and I have a healthy outlook on life. What a difference in my goals and outlook!

On Uncovering food sensitivities

Working with Zarana during the process of the MRT testing and LEAP diet was a pleasure. At first, I was a little skeptical about the process, but she was able to reassure me and answer any questions I had. She makes every experience a custom one. She also shared a number of recipes and ideas, showing her commitment to me as her client. Zarana is also very patient since I needed an interpreter for the language! I feel so much better since I started the diet, and I recommend it to anyone who is potentially suffering from food intolerance.
Karima E.
By the time I visited with Zarana Parekh of NutriliciousbyZ, my body and mind both were extremely stressed. Desperately seeking answers for what seemed to be my allergic reaction to everything I ate, and after having been told by my allergist that, “it was all in my head,” and “I needed therapy,” I sought the help of Zarana. Her kind reassurance, obvious knowledge and confident recommendations all worked together to validated to me that I was in good hands at last. Together we determined that the MRT test and LEAP program were my best resources for healing and getting better. She has taught me that food is such an integral part for healing and overall health which includes the combination of body and spirit. After only a month and a half, I am feeling much better and more confident than ever that with her help, I will continue on my path to recovery and whole body health. Before Zarana, I was losing hope. Because of Zarana, I now not only have hope, I am making tremendous headway in my allergic and food sensitivity journey and getting amazing results.
In making the appointment to see Zarana Parekh; I had no clear expectations except I wanted to learn how my food choices were affecting my overall health. I’ve had a lot of digestive problems and suffer from severe migraines. We discussed LEAP and I decided to try it. It has been a very educational experience to say the least. To see how your body reacts to different foods is really amazing. I was very skeptical and thought there would be no way I would be able to tell when my body was having a reaction. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The program has been surprisingly easy to follow and Zarana checks in with me often to see if I have any questions or concerns. My digestive problems are getting on track and my daily headaches have vanished at this point. I’ve only had 2 severe migraines in 8 weeks when normally I would have 3-4 each week. I’m really excited about my progress and am grateful I chose Zarana Parekh as a provider.
C. Rodriguez